I work at the School of Computer Science as an associate professor and master’s supervisor now, doing some fundamental research on machine learning, computer vision, SAR image processing, and remote sensing image processing. I am also recruiting graduate students, if interested, feel free to email me at tznikang@njupt.edu.cn.

I graduated from the School of Electronic information engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (南京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院) with a Ph.D’s degree in 2020, advised by prof. Yiquan Wu (吴一全), and from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications with a post doctor in 2021, supervised by prof. Yun Li(李云) .

My research interest includes machine learning, computer vision, SAR image processing, and optical remote sensing image processing. I have published more than 20 papers at the signal processing conferences/journals such as IEEE TGRS, IEEE TAES, IEEE JSTARS,IEEE GRSL,ICASSP.

🔥 News

  • 2024.07:  🎉🎉 One paper on “SAR object detection” is accepted by IEEE JSTARS.
  • 2024.05:  🎉🎉 One paper on “Remote sensing scene classification” is accepted by IEEE TGRS.
  • 2024.05:  🎉🎉 One paper on “SAR image classification” is accepted by IEEE TAES.
  • 2024.03:  🎉🎉 One paper on “SAR image classification” is accepted by IEEE TAES.
  • 2024.02:  🎉🎉 One paper on “HSI and LiDAR classification” is accepted by IEEE JSTARS.
  • 2023.12:  🎉🎉 One paper on “Remote sensing scene classification” is accepted by National Remote Sensing Bulletin.
  • 2023.06:  🎉🎉 One paper on “SAR image classification” is accepted by IEEE GRSL.

📝 Selected publications

1. SAR image classification

  • Kang Ni, Chunyang Yuan, Zhizhong Zheng, Nan Huang, Peng Wang. DPGUNet: A dynamic pyramidal graph U-Net for SAR image classification, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2024. PDF,CODE
  • Kang Ni, Chunyang Yuan, Zhizhong Zheng, Bingbing Zhang, Peng Wang. MPT-SFANet: Multi-order pooling transformer-based semantic feature aggregation network for SAR image classification, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2024. PDF
  • Kang Ni, Mingliang Zhai, Qianqian Wu, Minrui Zou, Peng Wang. A wavelet-driven subspace basis learning network for high-resolution synthetic aperture radar image classification, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2023. PDF
  • Kang Ni, Pengfei Liu, Peng Wang. Compact global-local convolutional network with multi-feature fusion and learning for scene classification in synthetic aperture radar imagery, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2021. PDF
  • Kang Ni, Mingliang Zhai, Minrui Zou, Qianqian Wu, Peng Wang. DJSPNet: Deep Joint Statistical–Spatial Pooling Network for High-Resolution SAR Image Classification, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2023. PDF
  • Kang Ni, Pengfei Liu, Peng Wang. High-resolution SAR image classification using subspace wavelet encoding network, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2021. PDF
  • Kang Ni, Yiquan Wu, Peng Wang. Synthetic aperture radar scene classification using multi-view cross correlation attention network, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2020. PDF
  • Kang Ni, Peng Wang, Yiquan Wu. High-order generalized orderless pooling networks for synthetic aperture radar scene classification, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2019. PDF
  • Kang Ni, Yiquan Wu, Peng Wang. Scene classification from synthetic aperture radar images using generalized compact channel-boosted high-order orderless pooling network, Remote Sensing, 2019. PDF
  • Kang Ni, Chunyang Yuan. GPCNet: global-context pyramidal and class-balanced network for high-resolution SAR remote sensing image classification, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2022. PDF

2. SAR object detection

  • Kang Ni, Minrui Zou, Wenjie Jia, Mingliang Zhai, Zhizhong Zheng. SPSNet: A selected pyramidal shape-constrained network for SAR target detection, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2024. PDF,CODE
  • Kang Ni, Yiquan Wu. River channel extraction from synthetic aperture radar images based on region-based active contour model, Signal, Image and Video Processing, 2019. PDF
  • Kang Ni, Yiquan Wu. Synthetic aperture radar river image segmentation using improved localizing region-based active contour model, Pattern Analysis and Applications, 2019. PDF
  • Kang Ni, Yuqing Zhao, Yiquan Wu. SAR image segmentation based on super-pixel and kernel-improved CV model, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2022. PDF

3. HSI and LiDAR classification

  • Kang Ni, Duo Wang, Zhizhong Zheng, Peng Wang. MHST: multiscale head selection transformer for hyperspectral and LiDAR classification, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2024. PDF,CODE

4. Remote sensing scene classification

  • Kang Ni, Qianqian Wu, Sichan Li, Zhizhong Zheng, Peng Wang. Remote sensing scene classification via second-order differentiable token transformer network, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024. PDF,CODE
  • Qianqian Wu, Kang Ni, Zhizhong Zheng. Remote sensing image scene classification based on two-stage high-order transformer, National Remote Sensing Bulletin, 2023.
  • Kang Ni, Yiquan Wu. Scene classification from remote sensing images using mid-level deep feature learning, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2020. PDF

5. Others

  • Mingliang Zhai, Kang Ni, Jiucheng Xie, Hao Gao. Cross-modal optical flow estimation via modality compensation and alignment, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes Island, Greece, 2023. PDF
  • Mingliang Zhai, Kang Ni, Jiucheng Xie, Hao Gao. Learning scene flow from 3d point clouds with cross-transformer and global motion cues, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes Island, Greece, 2023. PDF
  • Mingliang Zhai, Kang Ni, Jiucheng Xie, Hao Gao. Spike-based optical flow estimation via contrastive learning, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes Island, Greece, 2023. PDF
  • Pengfei Liu, Haijian Long, Kang Ni, Zhizhong Zheng. Multimode structural nonconvex tensor low-rank regularized hyperspectral image destriping and denoising, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2024. PDF
  • Peng Wang, Zhongchen He, Cai Li, Kang Ni. Subpixel flood inundation mapping based on spatial-spectral information in irregular regions, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2022. PDF
  • Peng Wang, Yulan Wang, Lei Zhang, Kang Ni. Subpixel mapping based on multisource remote sensing fusion data for land-cover classes, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2021. PDF
  • Fei Zhou, Yiquan Wu, Yimian Dai, Kang Ni. Robust infrared small target detection via jointly sparse constraint of l1/2-metric and dual-graph regularization, Remote Sensing, 2020. PDF

🎖 Fundings and projects

  • Natural Science Foundation of China (Youth Project).
  • Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (Youth Project).
  • China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.
  • Key Laboratory of Radar Imaging and Microwave Photonics Project (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics), Ministry of Education.

💻 Acadamic services

  • Reviewer for IEEE TGRS, IEEE TAES, IEEE JSTARS, IEEE GRSL, Remote Sensing, et al.
  • IEEE member
  • CCF member
  • GRSS member

📚 Courses

  • Python Programming
  • GNU/Linux Programming
  • Unified Modeling Language

📖 Supervised students

  • Chunyang Yuan (Master, candidate)
  • Minrui Zou (Master, candidate)
  • Wenjie Jia (Master, candidate)
  • Yunan Xie (Master, candidate)
  • Ziyang Wang (Master, candidate)
  • Weiliang Fang (Master, candidate)